The Eastside Change Coalition

We are youth activists.
We are the next generation.
Together we will change the world.

Learn who we are

Our Demands

In pursuit of our mission, the Eastside Change Coalition has created demands towards historically oppressive institutions on the Eastside. These demands target what we see as easily solvable issues that disproportionately affect marginalized communities.
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  • Establish a Mental Health Responder Program
  • Abolish the Student Resource Officer Program in the Bellevue School District
  • Expansion of the Bellevue Diversity Advantage Initiative
  • Expand the Current Bellevue School District Equity Department
  • Creation of a Community Court
  • Redistribute Funds from the Bellevue Police Department to Accomplish our Demands


  • Establish a Mental Health Responder Program
  • Abolish the SRO program in LWSD, and reinvest the SRO budget into Community Wellness programs
  • Expansion of the Redmond Police Department’s Community Equity Action Team
  • Establishment, fulfillment, and operation of a Redmond DEI Program Manager position
  • Allocation of funds to hire an additional homelessness program coordinator